Saturday 12 March 2011

3. The Trouble With Tequila.

Have you ever had one of those moments when you wake up the morning after a night out and just think oh, fuck, why did I do that?! Be it drunkenly texting (or, as it happens, facebooking) someone you haven't spoken to in months with barely-decipherable messages, pulling someone you would usually avoid like the plague, puking on someone else's carpet or even just eating your chips and cheese in bed (seems trivial until two days later when you're still brushing stray bits of cheddar out from between your sheets). It's got to be one of the worst feelings in the world, knowing that firstly, you were daft enough to get so drunk and secondly, that you now have the shame of facing those you humiliated yourself in front of the night before.  You just know it's going to be a painful interrogation/mocking/cleaning session. You swear you'll never do it again and yet deep down, you know that'll only last until next week when someone invites you out again.
I am ashamed to say, dear reader, I am one of those people whom alcohol renders completely silly. I don't drink until I black out or throw up (except that one time...) but I do have a tendency to think that everything is a good idea (examples above) and then realise my mistake when I wake up with an aching head and last night's make up still on. So yes, I often find myself wanting to bang my head against the wall out of sheer embarrassment at myself, but then I realise - it's absolutely not the end of the world. I haven't killed anyone. It's only a text - apologise and delete it. A kiss? It's ok, you're single and you never have to see them again anyway. Bit of puke? Ok, that's worse, but lots of grovelling and some carpet cleaner should sort you out. Everybody does it at least once in their life unless they're completely teetotal (which is of course, rare). And as for the chips and cheese, well, change your bedsheets and get down to the gym for a bit. Those were probably worth it.

Current mood: zen
Current weight: Ok. I meant to weigh myself when I was home last weekend, but I forgot. I think I'll just stop pretending any of us care, because I certainly don't and if you do then you're a bit weird.
Current nail colour: baby pink. It's cute, ok?
Alcoholic beverages this week: A few, I've lost count. Soz.